Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Quality Management Tools & Techniques Research Paper

Quality Management Tools & Techniques - Research Paper Example This is what has necessitated then implementation of the quality management tool and technique. These tools play a very critical role in ensuring that the products that are produced are of high quality. At the same time they play a key role in management of the performance of the organization. The quality management tools Quality in production is very necessary to ensure competitiveness in the market. This is the basis for the seven management tools and technique. These techniques were first developed in Japan in the year 1960 and their application so the improvement of quality in production and ensure consistency in the products produced. The tools uses statistical techniques to make sure that what comes out of the production house meets the end users need and requirements, as mention the tools are six in number. These tools are basically used to collect data then arrange it and finally do an analysis to the data. In doing so the information collected is organized in a way that is e asy to understand and this makes it possible to identify problems in the system (Hakes, C 203). Check sheet pareto chart Cause and effect diagram Histogram Scatter diagram Charts Check sheet This is a kind of sheet that is used to show variations over a period of time. The variations are analyzed and can easily show the performance over that period. These charts can enable the organization to identify the problems before implementing new system because it is used at the end of a particular period or when there is need for change of system. Therefore it can play a very critical role in ensuring that the new system does not have the same problems as the other system had. This has been used in my case the footwear industry in the analysis of its production after every end of a year. The records are analyzed and the necessary decisions taken to improve production. In my analysis of the records I find out that at most cases the production increased after the implementation of new systems . Here is an example of a check sheet Pareto chart This is a chart that prioritizes issues. It is used to analyze problems by basically showing the most frequent issue. In this type of a chart the issue that has the most appearance comes first in the chart then the other issues follow in that order to the list. The chart can be very critical in an organization since it can be used to identify what problems are occurring in the organization frequently, and as such seek for the solution to this problem. The chart does not only show the problem but it also shows the cause of that problem so in an organization it can be used to tackle some of the frequently experienced problems that the organization face from time to time and seek a solution to them. Just looking at my case, an interview with the Footwear industry management on how they have found this chart important amazed me. I found out that for the period of the ten years they have been applying this chart to identify the problems in their production and they have found it very effective. Below is an example of a Pareto chart. The cause and effect diagram This chart is also popularly known as the fish born. This arises from the way the diagram is designed that is, the diagram has the main bar then there are line

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